Makyla Boyd

Makyla Boyd

I am a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania in the department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics. I am advised by Prof. Arratia (Penn Complex Fluids Lab) and Prof. Jerolmack (Earth and Environmental Science). My research objective is to understand complex flows with granular media. Prior to starting at Penn, I studied the woven topology, surface frictional properties, and constituent material of 3D printed knott structures, made glass and studied glass structure using Raman and Infrared spectroscopy. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Coe College in 2022.

Previous Experience

• Student Researcher, California Institute of Technology, 2021
• Research Collaborator, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, 2019
• Research Collaborator, National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2019
• Student Researcher, Coe College, 2019


• Bonding and Structure in TeO2 Melt and Glass, The Journal of Physical Chemistry (Co-Author)
• Lithium-ion sites and their contribution to the ionic conductivity of RLi2O-B2O3 glasses with R ≤ 1.85, Solid State Ionics(Co-Author)
• Alkali-Tellurite Glasses: Structure and Properties,GOMD in the Glass Optical and Materials Division, Virtual, 2020
• Analysis of Alkali Oxide Modified Tellurite Glasses, PhysCon Poster, Providence, 2019
• Towards Understanding the Effects of Topology, Friction, and Constituent Materials on Planar Woven Lattices, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, 2021

Contact Information

• Please contact me by email: