Shravan Pradeep, Ph.D.
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. I am advised by Prof. Arratia (Penn Complex Fluids Lab) and Prof. Doug Jerolmack (PennSed Lab). My research objective is to develop experimental framework that help researchers from soft matter and geophysics backgrounds understand flow mechanics and failure in model earth materials. Prior to starting at Penn, I was a doctoral student at Hsiao Lab working towards understanding the effect of surface roughness on flow properties of dense colloidal suspensions. I graduated with a PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from NC State University in 2021.
Current Projects
- Rheology and yielding dynamics of model earth suspensions
- Failure models and associated microstructural signatures in soft earth materials.
Previous Experience
- James Ferrell Outstanding PhD Student Award, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, NC State (2022)
- Provost University Graduate Fellowship, NC State University (2016-2017)
- Prime Minister’s Merit Scholarship, Ministry of Defense, Government of India (2008-2012)
Certifications and Awards (Selected)
- Teaching and Communications Certificate, NC State University (2021)
- Graduate Student Association Conference Travel Award, NC State University (2019)
- Provost University Graduate Fellowship, NC State University (2016-2017)
- Prime Minister’s Merit Scholarship, Ministry of Defense, Government of India (2008-2012)
Papers (Selected)
- Robert Kostynick*,Hadis Matinpour*, Shravan Pradeep*, Thomas Dunne, Sarah Haber, Alban Sauret, Eckart Meiburg, Paulo E Arratia, Douglas J Jerolmack, “Rheology of debris flows controlled by the distance from jamming”, PNAS (2022); *equal contribution
- Shravan Pradeep, Paulo Arratia, "To biofilm or not to biofilm", eLife (2022).
- Shravan Pradeep, Alan Wessel, Lilian Hsiao, "Hydrodynamic origin for the suspension viscoelasticity in rough colloids", Journal of Rheology (2022).
- Shravan Pradeep, Mohammad Nabizadeh, Alan R. Jacob, Safa Jamali, and Lilian Hsiao, “Jamming distance dictates colloidal shear thickening”, Physical Review Letters (2021).
- Shravan Pradeep and Lilian Hsiao, “Contact criterion in dense suspensions of smooth and rough colloids”, Soft Matter (2020).
Presentations (Selected)
- “Engineering flow mechanics in dense suspensions of surface-anisotropic colloids”, Society of Rheology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL (2022). (Postdoctoral Poster Award - Third Place)
- “Probing contact microstructure in shear thickening colloidal suspensions”, ACS Colloids and Surface Science Symposium, 2021 (Langmuir Graduate Student Oral Award Presenter).
- “Distance to jamming dictates onset stress and strength of shear thickening”, International Congress on Rheology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2020 (Keynote Session Speaker).
- “Synthesis and characterization of Fe3+ and Mn2+ doped ZnS nanocrystals”, Workshop on Analytical Instruments for Chemical and Environmental Engineers, Pilani, India, 2015 (Second Best Poster Award).
Contact Information
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